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Surat Az-Zumar (The Troops) - سورة الزمر

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Sahih International
Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die [He takes] during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.
Sahih International
Or have they taken other than Allah as intercessors? Say, "Even though they do not possess [power over] anything, nor do they reason?"
Sahih International
Say, "To Allah belongs [the right to allow] intercession entirely. To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. Then to Him you will be returned."
Sahih International
And when Allah is mentioned alone, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion, but when those [worshipped] other than Him are mentioned, immediately they rejoice.
Sahih International
Say, "O Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, You will judge between your servants concerning that over which they used to differ."
Sahih International
And if those who did wrong had all that is in the earth entirely and the like of it with it, they would [attempt to] ransom themselves thereby from the worst of the punishment on the Day of Resurrection. And there will appear to them from Allah that which they had not taken into account.
Sahih International
And there will appear to them the evils they had earned, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.
Sahih International
And when adversity touches man, he calls upon Us; then when We bestow on him a favor from Us, he says, "I have only been given it because of [my] knowledge." Rather, it is a trial, but most of them do not know.
Sahih International
Those before them had already said it, but they were not availed by what they used to earn.
Sahih International
And the evil consequences of what they earned struck them. And those who have wronged of these [people] will be afflicted by the evil consequences of what they earned; and they will not cause failure.
Sahih International
Do they not know that Allah extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it]? Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.
Sahih International
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Sahih International
And return [in repentance] to your Lord and submit to Him before the punishment comes upon you; then you will not be helped.
Sahih International
And follow the best of what was revealed to you from your Lord before the punishment comes upon you suddenly while you do not perceive,
Sahih International
Lest a soul should say, "Oh [how great is] my regret over what I neglected in regard to Allah and that I was among the mockers."
Sahih International
Or [lest] it say, "If only Allah had guided me, I would have been among the righteous."
Sahih International
Or [lest] it say when it sees the punishment, "If only I had another turn so I could be among the doers of good."
Sahih International
But yes, there had come to you My verses, but you denied them and were arrogant, and you were among the disbelievers.
Sahih International
And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied about Allah [with] their faces blackened. Is there not in Hell a residence for the arrogant?
Sahih International
And Allah will save those who feared Him by their attainment; no evil will touch them, nor will they grieve.
Sahih International
Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is, over all things, Disposer of affairs.
Sahih International
To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And they who disbelieve in the verses of Allah - it is those who are the losers.
Sahih International
Say, [O Muhammad], "Is it other than Allah that you order me to worship, O ignorant ones?"
Sahih International
And it was already revealed to you and to those before you that if you should associate [anything] with Allah , your work would surely become worthless, and you would surely be among the losers."
Sahih International
Rather, worship [only] Allah and be among the grateful.