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Surat Ghāfir

Muhsin Khan
See you not those who dispute about the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah? How are they turning away (from the truth, i.e. Islamic Monotheism to the falsehood of polytheism)?
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Yusuf Ali
"That was because ye were wont to rejoice on the earth in things other than the Truth, and that ye were wont to be insolent.
Dr. Ghali
That is (due to the fact) that you used to exult in the earth untruthfully, (Literally: without the truth) and (due to the fact) that you used to live in merriment.
Found in: Yusuf Ali / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Sahih International
So be patient, [O Muhammad]; indeed, the promise of Allah is truth. And whether We show you some of what We have promised them or We take you in death, it is to Us they will be returned.
Found in: Sahih International
Sahih International
... , it will be concluded in truth, and the falsifiers will thereupon ...
Muhsin Khan
... matter will be decided with truth, and the followers of falsehood ...
Yusuf Ali
... , the matter was decided in truth and justice, and there perished ...
... came, judgment was given with truth, and those who treated (it ...
Dr. Ghali
... end) is decreed with the Truth, and there over the wrong ...
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)

Surat Fuşşilat

Yusuf Ali
Now the 'Ad behaved arrogantly through the land, against (all) truth and reason, and said: "Who is superior to us in strength?" What! did they not see that Allah, Who created them, was superior to them in strength? But they continued to reject Our Signs!
Dr. Ghali
... untruthfully (Literally: with other than truth) and said, "Who is more ...
Found in: Yusuf Ali / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... to them the Path of Truth (Islamic Monotheism) through Our Messenger ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan
And of His portents are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or the moon; but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if it is in truth Him Whom ye worship.
Found in: Pickthall
Yusuf Ali
Those who pervert the Truth in Our Signs are not hidden from Us. Which is better?- he that is cast into the Fire, or he that comes safe through, on the Day of Judgment? Do what ye will: verily He seeth (clearly) all that ye do.
Found in: Yusuf Ali
Yusuf Ali
... will show the Unbelievers the truth of all that they did ...
Found in: Yusuf Ali
Sahih International
We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
Muhsin Khan
We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?
We shall show them Our portents on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth. Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is Witness over all things?
Yusuf Ali
Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?
We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?
Dr. Ghali
We will soon show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves until it is evident to them that it is the Truth. And does it not suffice as to your Lord that He is The Ever-Present Witness over everything?
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)

Surat Ash-Shūraá

Sahih International
It is Allah who has sent down the Book in truth and [also] the balance. And what will make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near.
Muhsin Khan
It is Allah Who has sent down the Book (the Quran) in truth, and the Balance (i.e. to act justly). And what can make you know that perhaps the Hour is close at hand?
Allah it is Who hath revealed the Scripture with truth, and the Balance. How canst thou know? It may be that the Hour is nigh.
Yusuf Ali
It is Allah Who has sent down the Book in Truth, and the Balance (by which to weigh conduct). And what will make thee realise that perhaps the Hour is close at hand?
Allah it is Who revealed the Book with truth, and the balance, and what shall make you know that haply the hour be nigh?
Dr. Ghali
Allah is (He) Who has sent down the Book with the Truth, and (also) the Balance; and what makes you realize that possibly the Hour is near?
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Sahih International
Those who do not believe in it are impatient for it, but those who believe are fearful of it and know that it is the truth. Unquestionably, those who dispute concerning the Hour are in extreme error.
Muhsin Khan
Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it, and know that it is the very truth. Verily, those who dispute concerning the Hour are certainly in error far away.
Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it and know that it is the Truth. Are not they who dispute, in doubt concerning the Hour, far astray?
Yusuf Ali
Only those wish to hasten it who believe not in it: those who believe hold it in awe, and know that it is the Truth. Behold, verily those that dispute concerning the Hour are far astray.
Those who do not believe in it would hasten it on, and those who believe are in fear from it, and they know that it is the truth. Now most surely those who dispute obstinately concerning the hour are in a great error.
Dr. Ghali
The ones who do not believe therein seek to hasten it; and the ones who have believed (feel) timorous about it, and they know that it is the Truth. Verily, the ones who wrangle about the Hour are surely in far error indeed.
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Dr. Ghali
... eliminates falsehood and establishes the truth by His words. Indeed, He ...
Sahih International
... out falsehood, and establishes the truth (Islam) by His Word (this ...
Muhsin Khan
Or say they: He hath invented a lie concerning Allah? If Allah willed, He could have sealed thy heart (against them). And Allah will wipe out the lie and will vindicate the truth by His words. Lo! He is Aware of what is hidden in the breasts (of men).
What! Do they say, "He has forged a falsehood against Allah"? But if Allah willed, He could seal up thy heart. And Allah blots out Vanity, and proves the Truth by His Words. For He knows well the secrets of all hearts.
Yusuf Ali
Or do they say: He has forged a lie against Allah? But if Allah pleased, He would seal your heart; and Allah will blot out the falsehood and confirm the truth with His words; surely He is Cognizant of what is in the breasts.
... Allah erases untruth and truthfully (upholds) the Truth by His Words. Surely ...
Found in: Dr. Ghali / Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir (show all)
Dr. Ghali
Surely the way (of blame) is only against the ones who do injustice to mankind and act inequitably in the earth untruthfully; (Literally: with other than the Truth) those will have a painful torment.
Found in: Dr. Ghali

Surat Az-Zukhruf

Yusuf Ali
So We exacted retribution from them: now see what was the end of those who rejected (Truth)!
Found in: Yusuf Ali
However, I gave enjoyment to these [people of Makkah] and their fathers until there came to them the truth and a clear Messenger.
Sahih International
Nay, but I gave (the good things of this life) to these (polytheists) and their fathers to enjoy, till there came to them the truth (the Quran), and a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) making things clear.
Muhsin Khan
Nay, but I let these and their fathers enjoy life (only) till there should come unto them the Truth and a messenger making plain.
Yea, I have given the good things of this life to these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has come to them, and a messenger making things clear.
Yusuf Ali
Nay! I gave them and their fathers to enjoy until there came to them the truth and a Messenger making manifest (the truth).
Dr. Ghali
No indeed, (but) I made these and their fathers enjoy (life) until the Truth came to them and an evident Messenger.
Found in: Shakir / Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Sahih International
But when the truth came to them, they said, "This is magic, and indeed we are, concerning it, disbelievers."
Muhsin Khan
And when the truth (this Quran) came to them, they (the disbelievers in this Quran) said: "This is magic, and we disbelieve therein."
And now that the Truth hath come unto them they say: This is mere magic, and lo! we are disbelievers therein.
Yusuf Ali
But when the Truth came to them, they said: "This is sorcery, and we do reject it."
And when there came to them the truth they said: This is magic, and surely we are disbelievers in it.
Dr. Ghali
And as soon as the Truth came to them, they said, "This is a sorcery, and surely in it we are disbelievers."
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)
And lo! it is in truth a Reminder for thee and for thy folk; and ye will be questioned.
Found in: Pickthall
Sahih International
We had certainly brought you the truth, but most of you, to the truth, were averse.
Muhsin Khan
Indeed We have brought the truth (Muhammad SAW with the Quran), to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth.
We verily brought the Truth unto you, but ye were, most of you, averse to the Truth.
Yusuf Ali
Verily We have brought the Truth to you: but most of you have a hatred for Truth.
Certainly We have brought you the truth, but most of you are averse to the truth.
Dr. Ghali
Indeed We have already come to you with the Truth, but most of you are hating the Truth.
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Sahih International
And those they invoke besides Him do not possess [power of] intercession; but only those who testify to the truth [can benefit], and they know.
Muhsin Khan
And those whom they invoke instead of Him have no power of intercession; except those who bear witness to the truth (i.e. believed in the Oneness of Allah, and obeyed His Orders), and they know (the facts about the Oneness of Allah).
And those unto whom they cry instead of Him possess no power of intercession, saving him who beareth witness unto the Truth knowingly.
Yusuf Ali
And those whom they invoke besides Allah have no power of intercession;- only he who bears witness to the Truth, and they know (him).
And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, but he who bears witness of the truth and they know (him).
Dr. Ghali
And the ones they invoke, apart from Him, do not possess (the power) of intercession, excepting him who witnesses to the Truth, and they know it.
Found in: Sahih International / Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Yusuf Ali / Shakir / Dr. Ghali (show all)