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Surat Yūsuf (Joseph) - سورة يوسف

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Sahih International
He said, "[I seek] the refuge of Allah [to prevent] that we take except him with whom we found our possession. Indeed, we would then be unjust."
Sahih International
So when they had despaired of him, they secluded themselves in private consultation. The eldest of them said, "Do you not know that your father has taken upon you an oath by Allah and [that] before you failed in [your duty to] Joseph? So I will never leave [this] land until my father permits me or Allah decides for me, and He is the best of judges.
Sahih International
Return to your father and say, "O our father, indeed your son has stolen, and we did not testify except to what we knew. And we were not witnesses of the unseen,
Sahih International
And ask the city in which we were and the caravan in which we came - and indeed, we are truthful,"
Sahih International
[Jacob] said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together. Indeed it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise."
Sahih International
And he turned away from them and said, "Oh, my sorrow over Joseph," and his eyes became white from grief, for he was [of that] a suppressor.
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , you will not cease remembering Joseph until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish."
Sahih International
He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah , and I know from Allah that which you do not know.
Sahih International
O my sons, go and find out about Joseph and his brother and despair not of relief from Allah . Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people."
Sahih International
So when they entered upon Joseph, they said, "O 'Azeez, adversity has touched us and our family, and we have come with goods poor in quality, but give us full measure and be charitable to us. Indeed, Allah rewards the charitable."
Sahih International
He said, "Do you know what you did with Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?"
Sahih International
They said, "Are you indeed Joseph?" He said "I am Joseph, and this is my brother. Allah has certainly favored us. Indeed, he who fears Allah and is patient, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good."
Sahih International
They said, "By Allah , certainly has Allah preferred you over us, and indeed, we have been sinners."
Sahih International
He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful."
Sahih International
Take this, my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father; he will become seeing. And bring me your family, all together."
Sahih International
And when the caravan departed [from Egypt], their father said, "Indeed, I find the smell of Joseph [and would say that he was alive] if you did not think me weakened in mind."
Sahih International
And when the bearer of good tidings arrived, he cast it over his face, and he returned [once again] seeing. He said, "Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?"
Sahih International
They said, "O our father, ask for us forgiveness of our sins; indeed, we have been sinners."
Sahih International
He said, "I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Sahih International
And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his parents to himself and said, "Enter Egypt, Allah willing, safe [and secure]."
Sahih International
And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, "O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.
Sahih International
My Lord, You have given me [something] of sovereignty and taught me of the interpretation of dreams. Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me with the righteous."
Sahih International
That is from the news of the unseen which We reveal, [O Muhammad], to you. And you were not with them when they put together their plan while they conspired.
Sahih International
And most of the people, although you strive [for it], are not believers.
Sahih International
And you do not ask of them for it any payment. It is not except a reminder to the worlds.
Sahih International
And how many a sign within the heavens and earth do they pass over while they, therefrom, are turning away.
Sahih International
And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him.
Sahih International
Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming [aspect] of the punishment of Allah or that the Hour will not come upon them suddenly while they do not perceive?
Sahih International
Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."
Sahih International
And We sent not before you [as messengers] except men to whom We revealed from among the people of cities. So have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them? And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah ; then will you not reason?
Sahih International
[They continued] until, when the messengers despaired and were certain that they had been denied, there came to them Our victory, and whoever We willed was saved. And Our punishment cannot be repelled from the people who are criminals.