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Surat Al-'An`ām

Muhsin Khan
Who is averted from (such a torment) on that Day, (Allah) has surely been Merciful to him. And that would be the obvious success.
Dr. Ghali
From whomever it is turned about (i.e., it "torment" is turned away) upon that Day, then He will have mercy on him; and that is the evident triumph.
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... say: "So taste you the torment because you used not to ...
Dr. Ghali
And if you could see (them) as they are made to stand against their Lord! He will say, "Is not this (ever) the Truth?" They will say, "Yes indeed by our Lord!" He will say, "Then taste the torment because you used to disbelieve."
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Muhsin Khan
Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Tell me if Allah's Torment comes upon you, or the Hour comes upon you, would you then call upon any one other than Allah? (Reply) if you are truthful!"
Dr. Ghali
Say, "Have you seen (for) yourselves, in case the torment of Allah comes up to you or the Hour comes up to you, will you invoke any other than Allah, in case you are (truly) sincere?"
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
When Our Torment reached them, why then did they not believe with humility? But their hearts became hardened, and Shaitan (Satan) made fair-seeming to them that which they used to do.
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Dr. Ghali
Say, "Have you seen for yourselves? In case the torment of Allah comes up to you suddenly or openly, will any be perished except the unjust people?"
Found in: Dr. Ghali
Muhsin Khan
But those who reject Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), the torment will touch them for their disbelief (and for their belying the Message of Muhammad SAW). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi].
But as for those who deny Our revelations, torment will afflict them for that they used to disobey.
Dr. Ghali
And the ones who cry lies to Our signs, (the) torment will touch them for that they used to be immoral (i.e., with me).
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... are asking for impatiently (the torment). The decision is only for ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Muhsin Khan
Say: "If I had that which you are asking for impatiently (the torment), the matter would have been settled at once between me and you, but Allah knows best the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)."
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Muhsin Khan
... : "He has power to send torment on you from above or ...
Dr. Ghali
... sending forth upon you a torment, from above you or from ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... boiling water and a painful torment because they used to disbelieve ...
Dr. Ghali
... scalding (water) and a painful torment for what they used to ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what ...
Dr. Ghali
... you are recompensed with the torment of degradation for what you ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
... from Allah and a severe torment will overtake the criminals (polytheists ...
Dr. Ghali
... committed (crimes) and a strict torment (will afflict them) for whatever ...
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Muhsin Khan
And this is a blessed Book (the Quran) which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah (i.e. do not disobey His Orders), that you may receive mercy (i.e. saved from the torment of Hell).
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Muhsin Khan
... Our Ayat with an evil torment, because of their turning away ...
Dr. Ghali
... Our signs with an odious torment for that they used to ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)

Surat Al-'A`rāf

Muhsin Khan
And a great number of towns (their population) We destroyed (for their crimes). Our torment came upon them (suddenly) by night or while they were sleeping for their afternoon rest.
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Muhsin Khan
No cry did they utter when Our Torment came upon them but this: "Verily, we were Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)".
Found in: Muhsin Khan
Muhsin Khan
... , so give them a double torment of the Fire." He will ... each one there is double (torment), but you know not."
... astray, so give them double torment of the Fire. He saith ... each one there is double (torment), but ye know not.
Dr. Ghali
... , so bring them a double torment of the Fire." Says He ...
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Pickthall / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
The first of them will say to the last of them: "You were not better than us, so taste the torment for what you used to earn."
Dr. Ghali
And the first of them will say to the last of them, "So, in no way are you of any grace (i.e. are in no way superior; are no better) over us; then taste the torment for what you were earning."
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
Indeed, We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people and he said: "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. (La ilaha ill-Allah: none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!"
Dr. Ghali
Indeed We have already sent N?h to his people; so he said "O my people! Worship Allah. In no way do you have any god other than He. Surely I fear for you the torment of a tremendous Day."
Found in: Muhsin Khan / Dr. Ghali (show all)
Muhsin Khan
(Hud) said: "Torment and wrath have already fallen on you from your Lord. Dispute you with me over names which you have named - you and your fathers, with no authority from Allah? Then wait, I am with you among those who wait."
Found in: Muhsin Khan